पदनाम आपकी योग्यताओं और पेशेवर प्रमाणपत्रों को नियोक्ताओं और भर्ती प्रबंधकों को पेश करते हैं जो आपके फिर से शुरू की समीक्षा करते हैं। जब आप अपने पदनाम को अपने फिर से शुरू पर सूचीबद्ध करते हैं, तो नियोक्ता आपके अनुभव में गहरी रुचि ले सकते हैं यदि आपके पास उनके द्वारा भरे जाने वाले पद के लिए आवश्यक प्रमाणपत्र हैं। इस लेख में, हम पदनाम परिभाषित करते हैं, नौकरी के शीर्षक और पदनाम के बीच के अंतरों को सूचीबद्ध करते हैं, समझाते हैं कि उन्हें अपने फिर से शुरू में कैसे शामिल किया जाए और सामान्य पदनामों के उदाहरणों की सूची बनाई जाए।
हिंदी में पूरा ब्लॉग पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें ।
Designations introduce your qualifications and professional certifications to recruiters and hiring managers who review your resume. When you list your designation on your resume, employers may take a keen interest in your experience if you have the certifications they require for the position they are filling. In this article, we define designations, list the differences between job titles and designations, explain how to include them on your resume and list examples of common designations.
What is a designation?
Professional designations are titles that you may receive to show your level of excellence in your line of work. You can use professional designations if you have completed the requirements set by your professional associations. Some designations may be used nationally or internationally, while others are only valid in the state you live in.
Most designations require additional study after you complete your undergraduate degree. This means you may have to earn your designation through training classes, additional education courses or testing. Many designation courses are available online or they are offered in-person during weekend or evening hours for individuals who have work or other obligations.
What is the difference between a designation and a job title?
The main differences between a designation and job title are:
- Designations refer to the expertise and qualifications a person must complete certain jobs. Job titles describe the level and position someone holds at a company or organization.
- Designations are assigned to individuals who get special licenses and certifications. Job titles are assigned to every employee who holds a position at a company.
- Designations typically require additional education and testing. Job titles rarely require additional education to receive, unless the individual is not qualified for the job title and needs additional experience or training.
- Some employers require designations for employees that wish to fill a specific job position. Employers don’t examine job titles as much during the hiring process. For example, your title at one company may be “leasing specialist,” but the job you are applying for may be titled, “leasing consultant.” The job duties are likely the same, the companies simply use different job titles.
- You may not use your designation in every state unless you are certified or licensed in that state. You may use job titles in any state or country.
- You must maintain designations through continuing education courses. Job titles typically do not require you to take continuing education classes to maintain the title that you have.
How to include a designation on your resume
Here are some ways you may include your professional designation on your resume:
- Add your designation next to your name.
- Mention your designation in your professional summary.
- List your designation in your work experience and education.
- Include multiple designations and certifications.
- Consider adding your designation to your email.
1. Add your designation next to your name.
The first area to add your designation is at the top of your resume next to your name. This shows the recruiter or hiring manager that you have the required certification for the job before they continue reading your resume. For example, if you are applying for an accountant job, you must have the CPA designation to get hired as an accountant.
You may also add your designation at the top of your resume if you want to showcase your professional capabilities to enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing an interview.
2. Mention your designation in your professional summary.
Include your designation and the states you are allowed to practice your specialty or niche in your professional summary. For example, you may state “Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) experienced working in children’s hospitals, valid to work in New Jersey.”
3. List your designation in your work experience and education.
You should list your certifications and licenses in reverse chronological order along with your education in the education section of your resume. Only list your designated certifications in your education section if you have one or two certifications. If you have more than two certifications, you may need to create a separate section for certifications and licenses.
You may include your designation in your work experience section if it is valid to the jobs you have had in the past. For example, you may state your position as “Registered Nurse, Oakley Hospital.”
4. Include multiple designations and certifications.
If you have more than one designation, you may add your most relevant designation for the job you are interested in, next to your name on your resume. Include the other designations and certificates in the certifications and licenses section of your resume. You may list multiple certifications like this:
- Certificate Name/ Designation
- Certifying Body
- Date Obtained
- Location
5. Consider adding your designation to your email.
Adding your designation to your email may be a good branding strategy for you to use. When you add your designation to your email, everyone who sees your email will know what industry you work in. The recruiter who sees your application or resume is likely to know that you have the right certifications for the job before they read the rest of your resume. For example, your email could look like this: Emily.JohnsonCPA@email.com.
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Examples of designations
Here are some examples of professional designations that may help you list your designation on your resume:
- Sankar Bose, CPA or Sankar Bose, Certified Public Accountant
- Sujit Chandra, CFP or Candice Hoag, Certified Financial Planner
- Pushpa Sumit, M.D. or Pushpa Sumitt, Doctor of Medicine
- Rummy Patel, CPT or Rummy Patel, Certified Personal Trainer
- Rakesh Srivastav, MBA or Rakesh Srivastav, Master of Business Administration
- Lena Singh, J.D. or Lena Singh, Juris Doctor
- Rahul Kumar, R.N. or Rahul Kumar,, Registered Nurse
- Prakash Saini, CNA or Alison Reese, Certified Nurse Assistant
- Amber Disuza, CNS or Amber Disuza, Certified Nutrition Specialist
- Reeva Puri, CPP or Reeva Puri, Certified Payroll Professional
- Eric Babu, CIA or Eric Babu, Certified Internal Auditor
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