एक कर्मचारी वह होता है जिसे कोई अन्य व्यक्ति या कंपनी किसी सेवा को करने के लिए नियुक्त करता है। व्यवसाय के मालिक अपने कर्मचारियों को उनके व्यवसाय को बढ़ाने और बनाए रखने के लिए उनके काम के लिए क्षतिपूर्ति करते हैं। कर्मचारियों के पास आमतौर पर एक निर्दिष्ट वेतन दर और जिस पार्टी के लिए वे काम करते हैं, उसके साथ एक लिखित या निहित रोजगार अनुबंध होता है।
हिंदी में पूरा ब्लॉग पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें ।
An employee is someone that another person or company hires to perform a service. Business owners compensate employees for their work to grow and maintain their business. Employees typically have a specified pay rate and a written or implied employment contract with the party they work for.
However, some hired workers are not legally classified as employees and have a separate tax classification. The IRS has three main standards when determining who qualifies as an employee:
- Control of finances: If you control the business aspects of someone’s job, such as how and when they are paid, they could be considered an employee.
- Control of behavior: Employees are given instructions about policies to follow, when to do work, where to do it and where to get supplies and equipment. Having to train workers could be a sign that they’re your employees.
- Business relationship: The type of business relationship you have with a worker influences their employee classification. Providing contracts and benefits can both indicate an employee-employer relationship. If you hire someone to fill an essential role with the understanding that they’ll keep working for you indefinitely, they’re probably an employee.
What does an employee do?
Employees work for an agreed-upon number of hours or shifts and perform the duties their employer outlines for them. After applying to a job, going through the interview process and negotiating a job offer, an employee provides their employer with personal information such as their taxpayer ID and direct deposit payment information. They might sign an employment or employee handbook agreement that outlines their job duties. Depending on the type of employee they are, they may have different obligations for completing their assigned work.
Employer and Employee meaning in Hindi
श्रम संबंध अधिनियम की धारा 213 के संदर्भ में, एक कर्मचारी को इस प्रकार परिभाषित किया गया है:
क) कोई भी व्यक्ति, ठेकेदार और स्वतंत्र ठेकेदार को छोड़कर, जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या राज्य के लिए काम करता है और जो कोई पारिश्रमिक प्राप्त करता है, या प्राप्त करने का हकदार है; और
बी) कोई भी अन्य व्यक्ति जो किसी नियोक्ता के व्यवसाय को चलाने या संचालित करने में किसी भी तरह से सहायता करता है।
श्रम संबंध अधिनियम की धारा 213 में नियोक्ता के लिए कोई परिभाषा नहीं है।
एक नियोक्ता की परिभाषा खोजने के लिए इंटरनेट पर जाने के बाद, मैं निम्नलिखित में आया, जो मेरी राय में, “नियोक्ता” के सही अर्थ को परिभाषित कर सकता है।
एक नियोक्ता एक संगठन, संस्था, सरकारी इकाई, एजेंसी, कंपनी, पेशेवर सेवा फर्म, गैर-लाभकारी संघ, छोटा व्यवसाय, स्टोर, या व्यक्ति है जो रोजगार देता है या काम पर रखता है, एक व्यक्ति जिसे कर्मचारी या स्टाफ सदस्य कहा जाता है।
In terms of the Section 213 of the Labour Relations Act, an employee is defined as follows:
a) Any person, excluding and independent contractor, who works for another person or for the state and who receives, or is entitled to receive, any remuneration; and
b) Any other person who in any manner assists in carrying on or conducting the business of an employer.
Section 213 of the Labour Relations Act has no definition for an employer.
After going to the internet to search for a definition of an employer, I came across the following which, in my opinion, could define the true meaning of “employer”.
An employer is an organization, institution, government entity, agency, company, professional services firm, nonprofit association, small business, store, or individual who employs or puts to work, a person who is called an employee or a staff member.
Types of employees
You can hire multiple classifications of workers depending on the needs of your company. Having different types of employees on your team allows you to adjust your staffing needs based on demand. As a business owner, you should understand what differentiates each type of employee so you can stay in line with labor and tax laws. An employee’s classification determines the following:
- Eligibility for overtime pay
- Entitlement to health insurance and other benefits
- Tax status
- Legal protections
- While some states have their own labor laws that may influence how you should classify employees, here’s an overview of some common employee classifications:
Full-time employees typically put in 30 to 40 hours a week, or 130 hours per month, according to the IRS. If you have 50 or more full-time employees, you must offer them health benefits or pay a fee to the IRS.
Part-time employees work 30 hours or less. You’re not typically legally obligated to offer benefits to part-time employees, but many companies offer a health plan and days off to retain talent and reward employees. You have the same tax obligations for both part-time and full-time employees.
Temporary employees work for an employer for a set period of time or for the duration of a project. If you use a recruitment agency to find and place temporary employees, they usually handle tax withholding. When hiring a temporary or seasonal employee directly, you typically need to pay them directly and take taxes out of their paycheck.
An exempt employee doesn’t have a legal right to overtime pay according to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exempt employees receive a salary, so they’re paid the same amount regardless of how many hours they work. Exempt employees must earn at least $684 per week.
The Fair Labor Standards Act gives non-exempt employees the right to earn the federal minimum wage and overtime pay. Non-exempt employees have to be paid overtime at a rate of at least one and a half times salary for every hour they work over 40 hours each week.
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Frequently asked questions about employees
What is the difference between an employee and an independent contractor?
Independent contractors pay their own income tax, Social Security, unemployment and Medicare taxes on earnings. Employers withhold these taxes from employee paychecks on their behalf.
How do you manage employees effectively?
Part of managing employees is providing support at a managerial level and contributing to a healthy company culture. Focus on developing your leadership style and incorporating feedback from your team.
Myth about Employee

ou have probably picked up this book because you have dealt with unmotivated, burned out employees before, but have struggled with just what to do to get them back on track. Now you see this book and are wondering, “will this help me?” Yes, it will. The first thing to realize is that we have been misdiagnosing the true causes of employee burnout for many years.
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