Individual Employee Assistance by providing 1:1 consultation

How we are helping employees for Justice

We have been witnesses in the last couple of years specially during the Pandemic and it continued till now where many of the employees have been asked to leave as the organizations are running with less of cash. Is it legitimate to ask people go, which process the organizations are identifying people during the process, and what about the people who has been asked to go.  There are many such questions that arise but we have very limited resources to find support during these difficult times. 

In last couple of years, we have been provided 1:1 consultations to the many peoples, categorized as follows :-

  • Fired during the Pademic as the organisation would like to reduce cost of manpower
  • Victimized into a corporate politics
  • Role Redundant
  • Alleged into a Ethics or Code of Conduct
Fired hiring Pandemic
Corporate Politics
Role Redundant
Alleged under Code of Conduct

During our 1:1 connect with employees, we have experienced 79% of cases where the employer did not follow any of the legitimated processes while selecting employees for downsizing or accused in code of conduct cases. Many of cases, the employer is simply forced people to resign by stating personal caused.  Based on our advice, the employee has filled out the petitions against the employer to the appropriate authorities, and with the interventions of the legal body, the employer is forced to return the employee back or compensated amicable as per the employee's expectations to settle the disputes.

What our customer Talked about Us

In a fresh day evening, my boss & HR called me for a meeting and asked me to resign stating "I am a poor performer". But, I understood, this is as I voiced on some management unethical actions in recent time. With the management continuous pressure of resign, I felt alone. Then, I got to know about the "HRadvosors4u" and with their expert advice, I resume back on my own role. Thank you HRadvisors4u to save my job & family.


Working in a IT Company
Thanks to HRadvisors4u to help me in difficult time. During my employment with a E-commerce company, the management has Terminated me with false allegations, without given any evidence or proper explanations. From one of my HR friend, I got to know about the "HRadvisors4u" and with their Legal help, I filled case in Labour Office and within very short time. my employers ask me to resume back on my same position.


Working in A Ecommerce

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Individual Employees


1:1 Consultations